Saturday, 13 March 2010

Crows and Pigeons

This morning we rolled up the blind to look out into the garden and there were 2 goldfinches eating from the niger seed. They are coming everyday at the moment arriving at around 7:15. Judging by the speed at which the seed is going down I would guess they are coming back quite a few times during the day as well. Also this morning for the first time we had a carrion crow land in the garden. I often see crows flying over or on the roof tops but this is the first time I saw one coming into the garden. He was after a particularly mangy looking feral pigeon which then flew straight into our conservatory. The pigeon was stunned for a while and seemed to have hurt his wing but just about managed to make it into the next garden. The crow disappeared.

The crow takes the number of birds listed in the all time garden list to 19. We've only been here a year and a half so I'm pretty pleased with that. The exceptional birds are a chifchaff (my first ever) which I also managed to photograph, a blackcap and a great spotted woodpecker.

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