Wednesday 14 July 2010

New Birds in Devon and Regent's Park

OK, I need to catch up on my blogging. Three new birds in Lee this time and one in Regent's Park. Lindsey and I went for a walk on the coastal path to Ilfracombe on the 2nd May bank holiday and had a great view of a pair of linnets. Fortunately, I had the binoculars with me but sadly not the camera. The next day, when Lindsey went for a run, I went up with my camera this time to see if I could get a shot of them. No linnets this time but two other birds that I managed to photograph but could not immediately identify. One of them was identifiable pretty easily once I had a look at the book and the internet, this was the female northern wheatear. The other one though was much harder, even though the photo was good. I was pretty sure it was a meadow pipit and now I have had this confirmed by Tony Duckett, the wildlife warden of Regent's Park. Tony's blog talked of a whitethroat feeding at a nest site in plain view. I immediately went to see if I could see it and happened to bump into Tony who told me exactly where it was. When I went to the site I saw it immediately, a triumph!
In other news, we have had two baby wrens bouncing around our garden of late and being fed by the adult birds. They have now bounced into other gardens so we're not entirely sure if they made it or not. We first noticed them on the ground on the 10th July.

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